Code Blue™ Synthetic Buck Urine has been scientifically formulated to replicate the smell and performance of natural buck urine. Through years of extensive research and testing, Code Blue™ has developed a synthetic scent that performs like real urine. Unlike real urine, synthetics will not break down and reduce effectiveness, and they are legal where real urines aren’t. Code Blue’s™ Synthetic Buck Urine is ideal for use in active scrapes, mock scrapes, on scent drags and scent wicks. Unleash the scientifically-proven power of Code Blue™ Synthetic scents.
- Smells like real deer urine
- Mimics the scent of dominant buck
- Ideal of scrapes and mock scrapes
- Provokes extreme territorial aggression in rutting bucks
- Excellent curiosity scent during early season
- Seasonal Usage: Early, mid and late
- Curiosity scent during early season and intruder scent during pre-rut and rut
- Legal to use where real urines aren't
- Synthetics don't break down and lose effectiveness
- Ideal for use in active scrapes, mock scrapes, on scent drags and scent wicks
- 4 oz. bottle